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20 Fans
The Spot

The Spot


Amro Bin Al Aaas St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I find hair salon that offers treatments for curly hair?

this place is very good, my friend works there, his name is khalil @The Spot

Where can I find a makeup artist that does Halloween makeup?

@The Spot it's a new salon that opened in Abdoun, it's for Tala Al Alami, I saw last time on their FB that they do Halloween makeup. They are really good

Where can I know the prices of simple makeup salons?

@The Spot from 80-100 depending if it's another makeup artist or "Tala Alami"

Where can I find the best beauty center that does gel colors?

in my opinion; you should try @The Spot they are really professional

Where can I find a curly hair professional hairdresser?

@The Spot they are really professional, check out their snapchat stories "Tala Al Alami"

Where can I find Tala Al Alami's new salon?

@The Spot the salon is beyond beautiful. Their services are professional
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