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103 Fans
The Pampered Pet

The Pampered Pet

3 Stars - 6 Votes


Abdulkareem Mo'ath St., Next to The UN, Durat Dabouq Complex - Dabouq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find good quality beds for dogs?

@The Pampered Pet has good quality dog beds they start from 30JDs and Up

Where can I buy wee wee pads for my dog it's so cold outside?

You can find them @The Pampered Pet but if you actually want a cheaper option go to any pharmacy and get bed pads (the ones used for kids or adults)

Where can I buy pet water fountains?

@The Pampered Pet you can buy pet water fountains. Where they even stock high quality accessories.

Where can I buy furniture, accessories and cat supplies?

You can find some good accessories at @The Pampered Pet & \@Vetzone Pet Health Center

Where can I find a cage for a parrot?

You can find it at different pet shops! Try @The Pampered Pet
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