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Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Rd. Mazaya Shopping Center - Al Wasl



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
24 Hours a Day

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Where can I get red velvet ice cream?

Ben&Jerry's ice cream, i usually find @Al Maya Supermarket or @Spinneys

Where can I buy tempeh?

my girlfriend used to get her tempeh from @Spinneys

Where can I attend a self-defense class?

Small @Spinneys in meadows or springs not sure

Where can I find Sriracha sauce?

You should find it in @Spinneys or @Carrefour in the spices section

Where can I shop for food?

Do you mean groceries? If so then you can at @Carrefour Express @Spinneys @Lulu Hypermarket @Union Co-operative Society Hyper Market جمعية الإتحاد التعاونية @HyperPanda

Where can I find tomatoes?

Did you just jump out the womb? Cause you can find tomatoes at any supermarket like @Carrefour , @Spinneys or even at the fruit and vegetable market

Where can I buy kale for juicing?

You can find it in some @Spinneys also they sell kale @Organic Foods & Cafe

Where can I find pork?

@Spinneys anywhere but Sharjah will sell it, but not on their main floor, its in a separate section. Just ask when you go there and someone will lead you to the right section.

Where can I get Turkey mince?

You can get it @Biorganic Store or even @Spinneys. If it's not minced just ask the butcher to mince it for you.

Where can I buy cheap protein bars from?

@Spinneys will have more of the brand name ones that aren't as fancy like Atkins bars. I'm not sure about the price though

Where can I find Guyabano fruit?

try @Spinneys on Wasl Road . i know they get it on Tuesday & Friday.

Where can I get a santa hat for a kid under 5?

not very sure, but you got @Lulu Hypermarket ans @Spinneys to check with.
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