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535 Fans
Smart Buy

Smart Buy

3 Stars - 12 Votes


Hammam Ben Menyah St. Near Cozmo Center - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find an affordable good quality dishwasher?

@Smart Buy they have many brands with different prices. You can check out the Sharp, BEKO, Vestel dishwasher for 300 JD. Of course the prices depends on the characteristics of the washer. You need to visit them or check their website to know more about the machine and its capacity and energy

Where can I do online shopping?

@Klick & Shop you can also online shop with @Smart Buy if you need any home appliances or electronics

Where can I buy a water cooler/dispenser?

I bought a stand alone Evercool one with a small fridge at the bottom from @Smart Buy It was for 150 JD I think. They have cheaper options too.

Where can I buy a quality laptop (apple, hp, dell) but for a cheap price?

You'll find Dell and HP ones at @Smart Buy I think their prices will range between 200 and 400 for average specs.

Where can I buy a case for a Nikon D5500 DSLR camera?

@Smart Buy https://smartbuy-me.com/smartbuystore/smartbuy/en/Categories/SmartTech/Bags-%26-Cases/B86-BAGS-B86--SLR-CAMERA-BAG/p/SHT0821ST0008

Where can I grind almonds?

you can simply buy a grinder that you can use whenever you want. @Smart Buy it costs 12 JD's
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