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535 Fans
Smart Buy

Smart Buy

3 Stars - 12 Votes


Hammam Ben Menyah St. Near Cozmo Center - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy a projector and screen for a great price?

The only place I know that would have projectors is @Smart Buy ..They might not be the cheapest, but they are good quality..

Where can I buy GoPro Hero 4 in silver and how much does the starter bundle cost?

@Smart Buy are restocking on Thursday, they sell for JD399 and they'll have both colors available when they bring them back in.

Where can I buy a Cannon G7X in Amman?

@Smart Buy is usually up to date on camera models. might be more expensive than getting it from outside Amman, so heads up!

Where can I buy a gaming setup?

go to @Leaders Center or @Smart Buy get the screens and the keyboards plus the mouse

Where can I buy a cheap tablet?

@Smart Buy they have cheap brands that you can buy ...or you can buy used ones from @OpenSooq

Where can I find a cheap PC?

it all depends on the brand you want to buy what i recommend is that you go to @Smart Buy or @Leaders Center and ask the clerk to help you choose one within your budget

Where can I buy a vacuum cleaner that cleans both floors and carpets?

@Leaders Center or @Smart Buy they can help you with the vacuums, i dont know the brands but they have them for sure

Where can I buy the best Electric Water Heater?

It mostly depends on the brand you can ask the customer care in @Smart Buy or @Virgin Megastore but don't buy the cheap ones they die after a while

Where can I find an OTG USB adapter cable for Samsung Note 8 tablet?

Ah okay makes sense now :p try @Smart Avenue or @Virgin Megastore or @Smart Buy one of them will at least have it, best of luck!
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