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535 Fans
Smart Buy

Smart Buy

3 Stars - 12 Votes


Hammam Ben Menyah St. Near Cozmo Center - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find the best prices for the full inverter air conditioner?

I would recommend to check out @Smart Buy and @Alwasleh and compare between the prices and qualifications of the conditioners they have

Where can I find a 18650 battery charger?

@Smart Buy has a charger that charges battery of all sizes and cost around 38 JDs

Where can I find fibre optic cables?

You can find @Smart Buy optic cables, I am not sure about the fibre ones though

Where can I buy good and cheap beard trimmers?

@Smart Buy they have this excellent brand Braun and it’s 30 JD’s a bit pricey but it lasts for a long time

Where can I find a nut grinder?

@Smart Buy you can buy a normal grinder/mixer and use it for nuts as well if you don't find a nut grinder

Where can I find cheap playstation 4 games/?

@Smart Buy next to Cozmo. @MOG Underground near Abdoun Mall and next to Zain or @Sony in Shmeisani

Where can I buy a FALCON 530 Electronic Contact cleaner?

It took me a long time finding it in stores, so I ended up buying it online. But there are a lot of cleaning kits I started using that are of the same high quality. Check out @Smart Buy and @GTS - Glory For Technology Services

Where can I find a hoverboard?

@Smart Buy and there are facebook pages that sell
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