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115 Fans
Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel

Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel

4.75 Stars - 10 Votes


5th Circle, Zahran St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
24 Hours a Day

Tips Tags

Where can I find a good Arabic restaurant?

i tried @The Spice Garden it is located @Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel and they make everything just perfect

Where can I go swimming?

You can usually order drinks by the pool in most hotels, I like the @Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel And Towers pool.

Where can I find a cool swimming pool?

Also the @Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel And Towers Hotel has a really nice pool

Where can I find a nice calm place for couples to spend an entire day?

Dead Sea is a great option but if you want to stay in Amman then I would say go to one of the pools like @Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel And Towers maybe even have a couples massage. Or you could catch a movie at @Taj Class Cinema or even sit and have a nice lunch @The Boulevard

Where can I go to swim on a daily basis (not a gym)?

You could get a membership @Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel And Towers and swim there. They have indoor and outdoor lap pools.

Where can I eat Arabic food?

@Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel @The Spice Garden they have Lebanese and Jordanian food !
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