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195 Fans
Select Foods Shoppe

Select Foods Shoppe

3 Stars - 8 Votes


Massoud Bin Nasir St. Sami Khawaja Complex, Near Royal Jordanian Terminal - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy bread crumbs?

Well basically anywhere in stores, @Virgin Megastore or @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I buy vegan mayo?

@Select Foods Shoppe nicest selection of Vegan Mayo for dipping and spreading :) Delikatesse Vegan Mayo, classic Soy or Rice mayo, that is : EGG FREE GLUTEN FREE Organic & Vegan also available with Basil, Almond, Curcuma, Peppers or ginger

Where can I find almond bechamel cream?

I found an ad a couple of days ago on Facebook by @Select Foods Shoppe. They have some!

Where can I find El Yucateco hot sauce?

well I think it's a bit hard to find this special brand, but check @Select Foods Shoppe and @Family Basket they have different types of hot sauces that are similar to the one you requested

Where can I buy pop tarts?

You can find it at @Cozmo and @Select Foods Shoppe also @Miles.

Where can I find lucky charms child cereal?

@Select Foods Shoppe I just called them and they said that it might be available by tomorrow.

Where can I find stevia-sweetened chocolate?

@Select Foods Shoppe sells Perlege chocolate that's sweetened with stevia
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