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195 Fans
Select Foods Shoppe

Select Foods Shoppe

3 Stars - 8 Votes


Massoud Bin Nasir St. Sami Khawaja Complex, Near Royal Jordanian Terminal - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find Seitan?

@Select Foods Shoppe has burgers and scallop but it arrives this Saturday

Where can I find lactose free milk?

@Cozmo they have a few brands with lactose free .also they have a few brands of soy milk , almond and rice milk. @Select Foods Shoppe you can find a diversity of different milks.

Where can I chocolate chip cookie dough?

If you're looking into buying the ingredients you can get them from @Select Foods Shoppe & @Cozmo .. if you just want to find a cakery that sells them go to @Auntie Hanady's Cheesecake & Cookies

Where can I find the ingredients and supplies for making sushi at home?

most super stores sell what u need @Safeway @Miles @Cozmo @Virgin Megastore @Ctown @Select Foods Shoppe but the hard part is to find good quality fresh fish

Where can I find virgin coconut oil?

You can usually find virgin coconut oil @Seed and you'll also be able to find it @Select Foods Shoppe.

Where can I find butter pecan ice cream in the food store?

check @Select Foods Shoppe they might have it, u can call them or send them a message on facebook
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