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257 Fans


3.5 Stars - 7 Votes


Princess Sumayya Bint Al Hassan St.- 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find imported toilet paper?

well that is a strange question.... 0_o you can find "imported" toilet paper @Cozmo or even  @Safeway

Where can I buy a cheap kids pop up tent plz?

try @Virgin Megastore , @Safeway trips section

Where can I buy electronics?

@Jordan Prices .. @Smart Buy .. @Safeway . . @Ctown

Where can I find Tapioca flour?

Mostly at hyper markets such as @Safeway or @Sameh Mall or @Virgin Megastore

Where can I get the best car polish?

My boyfriend likes to get his polish from Turtle Wax which he goes to @ACE Hardware Hardware but I think last time he also found some @Safeway for an even better price so I'd recommend you check there first. Good luck!

Where can I get my apple tv jailbroken?

Gardens Street is your destination, tens of mobile stores their can help you with it, especially when get close to Al Waha circle and when you get close to @Safeway Shmesani, I remember one shop their called "Harmonics", they can do it for you.

Where can I buy organic food?

@Safeway has an organic section and also @Cozmo has a small organic section but has really good products
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