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216 Fans


4.5 Stars - 12 Votes


Issa Al Naouri St. Cozmo Center, Ground Floor - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find a filofax organizer?

I saw some very nice ones @Readers but you can get a basic one at any stationary shop like @Istiklal Library Co.

Where can I buy old Yu-Gi-Oh cards (like Joey Yugi or Orichalcos)?

You can find Yu Gi Oh cards at libraries, check out @Istiklal Library Co. , @Readers or any library that is located next to your home

Where can I find a good bookstore?

@The Good Book Shop or @Readers or @Books@Cafe I'll leave the rest for the others :)

Where can I find a pop up book for my son?

check @Readers in taj mall .....or @Virgin Megastore in City mall

Where can I find Collins Junior Dictionary 7+ book?

You can place an order @Readers , and they will get it to you.

Where can I find washable crayons for toddlers?

They might have the crayola washable ones @Readers

Where can I find the holy Bible (English version)?

I remember seeing some @Readers I gave them a call they said they will be having a new shipment coming for January.

Where can I find the Harry Potter book series?

You can get the books @Virgin Megastore or @Readers

Where can I buy English novels other than virgin megastore?

You can find novels in English @Readers or @Books@Cafe both have large selections similar to Virgin but also other things that they dont carry. If it is money you are considered about then going downtown may be a great option you can find English books there for much cheaper.
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