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216 Fans


4.5 Stars - 12 Votes


Issa Al Naouri St. Cozmo Center, Ground Floor - 7th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find art project sets for kids?

@Readers they sell Klutz brand sets like that! Klutz's whole thing is making products that can be enjoyed by both children and adults!

Where can I buy gary vee books?

@Readers they used to have it. But you can let them order it for you. You can pay half now and the other half once it reaches

Where can I find a tale of two cities story level 5 by charles dickens?

Check out @Readers and @Legenda Bookstore both have a big children section.

Where can I find act prep books 2021-2022?

You can always check out the typical book stores in town, like @The Good Book Shop or @Readers. But there is an easier option like @Ubuy Jordan and order it online

Where can I get a journal?

@Dumyah @Istiklal Library Co. @Samir & Ghassan Stationery & Art Supplies @Readers @Al Shalati Bookshop @Virgin Megastore @Mlabbas

Where can I find the vampire diaries books and Elena s necklace?

In terms of the book you’ll have to convince @Readers to order it for you
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