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King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein St. City Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I find the best places for girl gifts?

well if you have enough budget, you can buy her from @Pandora

Where can I buy a great gift for a 19 year old girl?

Get her a bracelet from @Pandora with a charm that matches her birth month or something she likes.

Where can I find birthstone jewelry?

@Pandora I absolutely love their birthstone collection.

Where can I buy reasonably priced jewelry to gift?

@Pandora They have pieces that start from about 30 Jds. Of course the price depends on the material and which pendants and charms you'll choose.

Where can I find male silver bracelets as a birthday gift?

@Pandora has silver bracelets as well as leather ones with charms

Where can I find a meaningful gift for my mother's birthday?

@Pandora they have amazing necklaces and bracelets that would be an amazing gift for your mother

Where can I find Pandora accessories (First copy)?

Try buying the originals from @Pandora they are much better but this girl on facebook sell copies on facebook https://www.facebook.com/ROYALTY.JEWELRYJO/?fref=nf check out her posts the page is called Royalty Jordan
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