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80 Fans
Music House

Music House

4.25 Stars - 8 Votes


Mohammad Al Zghoul St. Near Junia Pharmacy, Behind Airport Gas Station - Deir Ghbar



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week; Except Friday
11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I take violin lessons?

You can join @Tala Music Center , @Music House or @Freddy for Music they all offer violin lessons

Where can I take singing classes?

@Music House gives singing classes in English! Great Japanese instructor also gives violin classes.

Where can I learn to tap dance?

@Music House over total gas station airport road

Where can I learn playing acoustic guitar with prices?

I paid 320JD for a entire course @Music House it was around 16 classes, so it calculates to 20 JD per class. Its a very cosy space and the teachers are pretty good

Where can I take piano lessons for beginners for a reasonable price?

I know some places in Amman, @Music House , @Freddy for Music , @National Music Conservatory .......Or if you want you can learn online via www.i3zif.com you have to pay for the course which is not very expensive.

Where can I find violin strings?

Most music places carry them but the best place and the one I know for sure is @Music House

Where can I find a summer camp for kids?

@Music House has a summer camp but it only runs till the end of next week.
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