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Bldg. #121 Al Madina Al Monawara St. Next to Dubai Islamic Bank



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Where can I find the best iPhone 5s gold price, how much if u know?

@MultiVision or @iSystem. Prices started that much; right, but now are cheaper. Good luck!

Where can I buy a cover for my macbook pro 13 in?

@MultiVision has lots of options. I remember i noticed a black carrying case the last time i'd been there, covers that comes in pink & green. but if you check @iSystem they have a wider variety of colors of, good quality too.

Where can I buy a new screen for my iPad?

Give @MultiVision a call..They should be able to fix it

Where can I buy an Iphone 5s, original?

@MultiVision is selling it for 590 JD's, two-year warranty

Where can I fix my phone?

@iSystem or @MultiVision for iPhone. @BCI for Communication and Advanced Technologies for Samsung smartphones, @Telco Village for blackberry and @i2 Nokia for Nokia apparently!

Where can I find a Mac Pro?

If it's not the Macbook pro you are trying to get, @MultiVision can order it for you & will manage to get it in like 2 weeks. That's all i know!

Where can I find iphone 5s accessories?

I recently bought some @Anfal they have some good stuff, But first try @MultiVision i'm sure you'll find way better collections there.

Where can I get a cover for my iPad air?

You've got @MultiVision and @iSystem to check with.
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