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Rainbow St. - Jabal Amman



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Where can I find a place that sells game of thrones related merch and accessories?

You can go to @Mlabbas and get whatever merchandise you want to be customized.

Where can I find a T-shirt printer?

I usually print my t-shirts at @Mlabbas, but most non-essential businesses have stopped due to the quarantine. Maybe give them a call and see if they can't print it and have it delivered?

Where can I buy a mother's day gift on a budget?

Hey Muhammad.nat - I check out the page for Balconies and looks like they are moving to a new place and taking online orders only. Another option is @Mlabbas I made my mum a personalized mug with photos of us on it. Also another option is getting her a gift certificate to a spa like @Spa Amber - hope this helps :)

Where can I buy a personalised thermos (eg. print a name or engrave it)?

@Mlabbas has a kiosk in @Taj Mall where you can design and print names/ logos or any pictures on your mugs or tshirts...etc.

Where can I find a place that can customize stickers?

If you are not looking for too a large a quantity check the prices @Mlabbas , they'll help you out

Where can I find plain tote bags (around 50 bags)?

@Mlabbas can help you with it , you can call and preorder it
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