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Rainbow St. - Jabal Amman



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Where can I customize high quality shirts and mugs?

I'm pretty sure @Mlabbas customizes these things, and it's good quality

Where can I find cool stickers?

@Jobedu @Mlabbas and @KORTS have some cool stickers but they're mainly Jordanian themed

Where can I find mens bracelets with beads?

You can check @Mlabbas rainbow branch, or @Massimo Dutti they have some bracelets with beads & leather!

Where can I find a place to buy some cool local things for gifting purposes?

try @KORTS @Jobedu and @Mlabbas for funky stuff. If you want things that are a bit sophisticated go to @Afghani

Where can I find Moleskine planners?

@Mlabbas has notebooks with cool covers..Not moleskine but they have blank pages :)

Where can I find funky tshirt for musical bands and superheros like rock eagle in swefieh (closed)?

@Mlabbas might have some. @H&M sometimes sells band shirts but thats rare. @vergin mega store also might have them. But you can customize them if all fails.

Where can I get country ball keychains or cushion ball toys?

@Hamleys definitely has the cushions. as for the keychains you can find them there but you have a better chance at finding them at @Mlabbas or @Jobedu and maybe @Ingrave-it and they'll even customize it for you.

Where can I find band t-shirts?

You'll find super cool ones written in Arabic @Mlabbas

Where can I find mugs shop?

@Mlabbas or @Jobedu also you can find some in @Virgin Megastore or @Al Rantisi Stores
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