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4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find perrier water?

@Safeway @Miles @Centro Stores @Cozmo

Where can I find Tops Chocolate?

You can find their chocolate @Cozmo or @Miles if you're looking for their diabetic chocolate you can find it in almost all pharmacies in Amman

Where can I find borax?

You can find it under different names in large supermarkets such as @Virgin Megastore or @Miles

Where can I buy tinned caramel for caramel tart?

@Miles you might not find tinned ones but they definitely have the bottled ones. Check out the Hershey's caramel syrup, it's absolutely delicious

Where can I find Ella's organic products?

so that same exact brand might be hard to stumble upon in Amman, but you can buy baby organic food from @Green Shop Organic Food @Juthour or from @Miles. If you really want that specific brand you can find it on @Cash Basha and the prices range from $9 to $36.

Where can I find almond butter?

I've seen some at @Cozmo and @Miles but if you have the chance to go for something organic and natural then go for it!
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