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248 Fans


4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find makdous?

Any hypermarket @Safeway @Miles @Prime Fresh Food

Where can I buy exotic candy (flavoured oreos, for example)?

Try @Miles, @American Products Center or @Select Foods Shoppe they have American candy which can’t be found in most stores

Where can I find flaxseed (preferably ground)?

You'll find it in almost any spice shop @Downtown. I've also seen it @Miles and @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I buy slices of smoked salmon?

@Miles the Russian brand is 6 JD, Norwegian salmon is 5.50 and 9.35 JD depending on the grams

Where can I find vital wheat gluten?

@Miles or @Marche Gourmet Stores

Where can I buy molasses or dark corn syrup?

you can find molasses @Select Foods Shoppe or @Miles
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