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248 Fans


4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find the best tasting gluten free meal options?

@Miles in Mecca Mall! That's where I find all the GF products I need

Where can I buy good quality bread?

@Cozmo bakery @Miles bakery @Geneva Bakery @Crumz if you are looking for foreign bread @al rayeh @Al Sufara Bakery for local bread

Where can I find reese's peanut butter cups?

@Virgin Megastore actually has them most of the time, they run out quickly though, but I wouldn't lose hope @Miles stocks them too.

Where can I find peanut oil?

Interesting! I'm looking for a peanut oil too!! I stopped by @Miles that day and they said they will get it this coming Saturday so check it out, & i was told that @Al Momtaz in souq al sultan might have it, you can give it a try!

Where can I buy berries?

@Select Foods Shoppe you can find frozen berries, @Cozmo and @Virgin Megastore and @Miles you can find fresh berries but those are very expensive.

Where can I find a place that sells ice cream like Baskin Robbins?

We do not have Baskin Robbins , but there are other good brands that you can find in big supermarkets like @Cozmo , @Safeway , @Miles
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