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248 Fans


4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Ground Floor, Mecca Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy Coconut oil?

@Miles & @Centro Stores supermarket they have the organic coconut oil ... For almost 12 JDs

Where can I get the best donuts (unlike planet donut)?

have very delicious donuts if you're into the basic ones @Miles

Where can I find gripe water or fennel tea for baby's colic?

@Miles is for the fennel tea while @Birth and Beyond is for the gripe water

Where can I find small bottle kewpie?

@Miles they will provide it by the end of next month but currently it is not available. It is unavaillable in most of the stores so it is difficult to find it.

Where can I buy Marmite?

@Cozmo @Miles you can find it there

Where can I buy a wok?

@Select Foods Shoppe @Cozmo @Miles They provide different types of noodles including Wok.

Where can I buy bee pollen?

@Cozmo and also there is a booth outside @Miles they sell yamani honey

Where can I find nonstick cooking spray?

@Safeway @Ctown @Cozmo @Select Foods Shoppe @My Market Supermarket @Miles

Where can I find gluten flour?

@Cozmo healthy food corner @Miles @Marche Gourmet Stores you might find also @Beat tha Wheat they have asortments of gluten free item like bread ,cakes and pastries, they have pastas as well ,check out if they sell flour to

Where can I find gluten free bread and other products?

@Miles @Virgin Megastore @Cozmo @Prime Fresh Food @Marche Gourmet Stores
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