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48 Fans
Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts

Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts

4.5 Stars


Makkah Al Mukarama St. Behind Al Jaber Complex, Bldg. #18



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a class or course for drawing/painting on Windows?

@Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts they have painting and art courses they make mosaics and collages too, with in their courses they use different materials like ceramic, fabric and glass.

Where can I find the cheapest acrylic or color classes?

Check out @Haya Cultural Center it's all new, nice and reasonable.. and @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts

Where can I invite my friend to go and have fun?

I had a friend take a painting class @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts . You could call and see if you wanted to do a class or two, I am not 100% sure that you can do just one, but it is something fun and different to do.

Where can I find ceramic making classes?

Check out @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts it offers ceramic classes, you can also check @Orfali Art Gallery it sometimes offers ceramic classes too.

Where can I take drawing/painting courses?

I know about free drawing classes @Bandak Art. Also, @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts offers drawing classes for both adults & kids.

Where can I go to any place becuse i am bored?

What do you like to do?? You could go to rainbow street and walk around..or go to a pool or something. The one @InterContinental Hotel is really nice. There are also art classes or something like that you could take @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts

Where can I make a picture in mosaic?

There are classes at @Mariam Center for Arts & Crafts for making your own mosaics :)
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