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41 Fans
Maestro Restaurant and Bar

Maestro Restaurant and Bar

5 Stars - 11 Votes


Baouniyeh St. Bldg. 52 in the La Locanda Boutique Hotel - Jabal Al Lweibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find a smoke-free bar (other than Carakale's Tasting Room)?

@Maestro Restaurant and Bar Currently they have no smoke free seating, however the patio area is not heavy in cigarettes.

Where can I listen to live music?

You can find live music @Maestro Restaurant and Bar or every Tuesday @Murphy's Pub - House of Rock

Where can I listen to jazz concert?

All this week you'll be able listen to live jazz at @Maestro Restaurant and Bar

Where can I find a cool bar with a western vibe?

Alright, in general it'll be very difficult to find a place in Amman where people won't stare at you if your displaying PDA. However some of the most laid back bars in terms of people and in this order - @Amigo Pub @The Corner's Pub @Bonita Restaurant and possibly @Maestro Restaurant and Bar just because a lot of expats frequent it so they're used to that.

Where can I find a good pub and a restaurant with bands playing good music?

@Good Pub usually has bands playing all the time .. their music is also good when theres no live show..check it out .. theres also @Maestro Restaurant and Bar where bands come and jam all the time

Where can I drink FREE Amstel Beer for an hour this Thursday?

there is happy hour in all most of them between 4pm - 8pm of bars just call@Maestro Restaurant and Bar

Where can I watch the Euro Cup 2016 indoors with alcohol?

@The Nub cool new place you gotta check it out, @Maestro Restaurant and Bar they are playing all games and they have a game room special for matches where they have 2 screens and they play the games with sound, or you can go to @Good Pub if you like it

Where can I go out for drinks during Ramadan?

@Good Pub , @Maestro Restaurant and Bar or @Murphy's Pub - House of Rock all of them are really good

Where can I find maestro restaurant?

Here is the place page for @Maestro Restaurant and Bar it's a great spot & nice happy hour, enjoy

Where can I find a pub that has a jazz band?

@Maestro Restaurant and Bar sometimes have Jazz bands performing but not on regular basis
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