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215 Fans
Leaders Center

Leaders Center

4.25 Stars - 4 Votes


Bldg. #147 King Abdallah II St. - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy smart cover for Samsung tab E?

@Leaders Center they have a very huge section for samsung accessories

Where can I buy a FitBit?

Although there is currently no retailers in Amman you can get it of course on amazon or @Leaders Center http://www.leadersemall.com/fitbit-wireless-pink.html

Where can I buy home appliances other than Smartbuy?

Have you tried @Leaders Center or even going to @Maraqa Appliances they have Maytag which is one of the best brands.

Where can I find a waffle maker?

@Leaders Center has all home appliances for the kitchen, you should find it there.

Where can I find a TV store or Satellite store?

You can find TVs at @Smart Buy or @Leaders Center and there are so many other options depending on the brand you want .. like @Samsung Levant or @LG Jordan

Where can I buy a laptop core i7, 16gb ram?

What type of laptop are you looking for? If its a Mac go to @iSystem but if its a Windows based laptop you have a lot of options to choose from including @Smart Buy @TechTown @Leaders Center and then you can go to gardens and dig around. Don't forget you can also get your laptop customized to match the 16gb ram specs you're looking for but if you want to start out with 16gb try the places I mentioned but call them first.

Where can I buy a 32 inch television?

@Smart Buy or @Leaders Center will have the best selection of 32 inch televisions.
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