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215 Fans
Leaders Center

Leaders Center

4.25 Stars - 4 Votes


Bldg. #147 King Abdallah II St. - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy a fridge?

i always buy my electronics from @Leaders Center Beko is a good brand

Where can I find an electric kebab grill?

you can find several brands with different prices @Leaders Center

Where can I get the best price to buy an aluminum-bodied Apple Watch Series 5 with GPS?

@Leaders Center they have APPLE Watch Series 5 - GPS Only - 44mm - Space Gray Aluminum Black Sport Band for 444 JD

Where can I find an electric heater?

@Leaders Center has an assortment of electric heaters. You can get a pretty good one for 11 JD

Where can I find good cordless phones?

You can get the Alcatel duo, which comes with two cordless phones for 40JD at @Leaders Center

Where can I buy a good tv?

@Leaders Center has a good selection of televisions to choose from. Make sure you get an android or a smart tv for convenience!

Where can I find a humidifier?

@Leaders Center - @Smart Buy - @Bashiti Hardware - @ACE Hardware - of course any pharmacy & if you search on Facebook "Humidifier Amman" you will see a bunch of posts of people selling theirs

Where can I find a fitness tracker for 20-30 jds?

well it's not the price you requested, but the quality is high. HUAWEI BAND 3 PRO WATCH - ACCURATE GPS @Leaders Center for 50 jds
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