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215 Fans
Leaders Center

Leaders Center

4.25 Stars - 4 Votes


Bldg. #147 King Abdallah II St. - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy a decent tripod for photography?

I think you definitely find on at @Smart Buy or @Leaders Center

Where can I buy a wifi range extender?

You want to look for an "Access Point" specifically. So your best shot is at electronics stores such as @Smart Buy , @Leaders Center or any computer specialist place.

Where can I buy white home appliances?

Try @Sharp , @Smart Buy , @Abu Tawileh Group , @smeg (Mecca street), @Leaders Center

Where can I buy an electric wine opener?

maybe u can find it at one of these @ACE Hardware Store @Leaders Center

Where can I buy a 1/4 inch jack cable?

I'm not sure but you check @Leaders Center (Medical City Street), @Smart Buy & mmmmmmmmmm maybe @Virgin Megastore ,, PLZ correct me

Where can I buy a high quality espresso machine?

Nespresso are the best espresso machines and espresso coffee, i remember they had a booth in @Cozmo if not i am sure they have them in @Leaders Center , also you can try @smartbuy

Where can I buy dre-beats pro?

Try @SmartBuy or @Virgin Megastore or @Leaders Center. Good luck!
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