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215 Fans
Leaders Center

Leaders Center

4.25 Stars - 4 Votes


Bldg. #147 King Abdallah II St. - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy a vacuum cleaner that cleans both floors and carpets?

@Leaders Center or @Smart Buy they can help you with the vacuums, i dont know the brands but they have them for sure

Where can I buy a nikon professional camera other than smart buy?

You can find some @Virgin Megastore or also there is also @Leaders Center but I would recommend you search the groups in FB they usually have some great offers

Where can I find Sony headphones?

@SONY of course carries them but you can also find them @Smart Buy or @Leaders Center

Where can I find a camera shop that has really good prices?

You can find a good collection @Leaders Center as well as @Smart Buy

Where can I find a small electric water kettle?

@Safeway @Virgin Megastore @Mont Blanc @Smart Buy @Leaders Center

Where can I find a good quality GPS holder (the type that actually sticks to the windscreen for more than 5 min)?

Check out @Leaders Center and @Smart Buy and possibly, not sure though @oversteer might have such accessories

Where can I buy an iPhone charger in Khalda?

@Leaders Center a little far but you can find there alot of good stuff

Where can I find a place that sells an ice cream machine?

@Leaders Center has a Home Electric ice cream maker, hope that helps.
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