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40 Fans
Kenzi Online

Kenzi Online


Saryah Al Kanani St. 31, Complex #31 - Tlaa' Al Ali



Operating Hours:

Sat - Thu
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy googly eyes for crafts?

@Istiklal Library Co. or @Al Shalati Bookshop or even @Kenzi Stationery & Toys

Where can I find Dinosaur Fingerlings for kids?

@Kenzi Stationery & Toys they will bring some on November

Where can I find angel wings black/white?

Check @Kenzi Stationery & Toys or theres a shop next to friends cake in 7th circle

Where can I find a flamingo pool inflatable?

@Kenzi Stationery in Khalda, I saw one there last week.

Where can I buy a foosball table?

@Kenzi Stationery & Toys

Where can I find HP Sprocket printer?

@Kenzi Stationery & Toys

Where can I find colored hairspray?

@Kenzi Stationery they have it only in black and it costs 3 JD

Where can I find roller massage tools?

@Kenzi Stationery & Toys
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