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82 Fans


5 Stars - 23 Votes


Mecca St. Across from Marmara Hotel - Mecca Street



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

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Where can I go to a nice restaurant (not extremely expensive) for a group of let's say 12 people all ages in the group are 16?

Your best bet is trying something from Eat Group. @Casereccio or @Azkadenya would definitely fit the bill. Another good choice is @Kababji because the food there is always great. If you want something a little more formal though, you'll have to pay the premium for it.

Where can I find the best Iftar in Ramadan for resonable prices?

You can go to @Kobbeh & Bastouni Cafe for only 12JD or @Kababji in Shmeisani for 14.50 JD

Where can I go out for lunch during Ramadan?

Well if you're in the mood for Arabic cuisine you can always hit up @Kababji and if you're in sushi you can go to either @Vinaigrette or @Yoshi (keep in mind Yoshi will be closed from the 13th till the 22nd though) and if you want good ol' fashioned Italian food you've gotta hit up @Little Italy Pizzeria !

Where can I find an elegant restaurant with great food service (Non-alcoholic)?

For me, I like @Kababji the food there is great, it's quite calm. You can also check @Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill @Rajeen all of them have good service and great food and alcohol free.

Where can I find the best restaurant?

It depends in which type of restaurants you want to go to, if something serves Arabic food i recommend you to try @Fakhr El-Din , @Kababji or @Zorba , if something that serves seafood try @Sara Seafood Restaurant , if you are looking to something different try @Ren Chai or @Romero
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