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66 Fans
Hamudeh DVD

Hamudeh DVD


Shaaban St. Near Hashem Restaurant - Downtown



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.

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Where can I rent DVDs like WipeOut Show?

I have never seen movies to rent here but you can buy them so cheap @Hamoudeh DVD

Where can I find DVDs / Games for playstation 4 ?

@Hamoudeh DVD although I'm not sure I would trust their bluray dvd's with my PS4...but they do sell games and dvds in the same place so it is pretty convenient if you wanna risk it.

Where can I find adobe after effect ?

you can either download it via internet or buy it from @Hamoudeh DVD

Where can I find the fault in our stars DVD and how much it cost?

Well the actually DVD release is not until September but of course here in Jordan you can get a copy well before go to @Hamoudeh DVD you can get it there for a great price plus any other ones you havent seen yet

Where can I find a music shop Downtown that can get DVDs of the Russian Ballet?

I would go in and ask the places and see if they can make it for you special..Try the DVD shop across from @Jafra Restaurant & Cafe or @Hamoudeh DVD

Where can I Find a Blu ray disk?

@Hamoudeh DVD downtown will have blank ones I'm sure!

Where can I print a poster !?

@Hamoudeh DVD but not the one in abdoun the one thats downtown

Where can I find shops to buy Turkish series?

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find them @Hamoudeh DVD have you tried there?

Where can I buy movie DVDs?

@I Blu @Hamoudeh DVD

Where can I find a good DVDs Store?

@Hamoudeh DVD - Best Place to by all u want of movies

Where can I buy a copy of Ms office for macbook pro?

If you want an original copy then you will be able to find it @iSystem. If you want a pirated copy I'd recommend you go to @Hamoudeh DVD but not their Abdoun branch their downtown branch.
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