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279 Fans


5 Stars - 6 Votes


7th Circle, Cozmo - Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find cool gifts?

That's a tricky question actually...I can't answer you fully but I would suggest some cool gift shops like @Hamley's if it's a kid gift or @Bath & Body Works for women products

Where can I find a witch costume?

@Hamley's has a decent variety of costumes as well!

Where can I find a darth vader toy or figure or merchandise?

@Hamley's - They should have Darth Vader toy figures.

Where can I buy 3D puzzles?

I saw a few 3D puzzles on the second floor of Hamleys on Mekka St. Hamleys is just past Applebees and Fudruckers.

Where can I buy Gift for kids?

@Hamley'ss Mecca Street - 3 Floor of amazing toys :D

Where can I Buy a cowboy hat?

@Hamley's - Costume section
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