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279 Fans


5 Stars - 6 Votes


7th Circle, Cozmo - Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy a Slytherin scarf?

@Hamleys had some over Halloween, you might want to go check asap before they run out

Where can I find a face painting kit?

@Hamleys has a kids kit for face painting and temporary tattoos if that's what you're looking for.

Where can I find fake blood?

You can find it @Hamleys & @Al Shalati Bookshop .. You can see where to get it also at blog.tipntag.com read the latest article related to Halloween

Where can I find masquerade masks?

I bought one from @Hamleys about a week ago, its supposed to be for kids but I used it for an adult costume and it looked great

Where can I buy boxes to store my kid's toys?

You also can find nice ones at any toys store, check out @Hamleys & @Toys Land

Where can I buy Magic Gathering cards?

@Hamleys the one on Mecca street or at the mall but not the Abdoun branch, they don't have them there

Where can I find a monopoly millionere deal game ( The Card game )?

Did you check out any book stores maybe? @Hamleys might have board games, check out @Toys & Toys next to Safeway

Where can I find a giant brown teddy bear?

You can find on @Hamleys they have great options and great quality - Here is a link to a photo on their FB of one of their Teddy bears! http://on.fb.me/1Eerc5H
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