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94 Fans
Habiba Stores

Habiba Stores

5 Stars - 9 Votes


Abu Nawas St. Bldg. 4 Behind Social Security Building - Um Uthaina



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find Marlboro Double Ice?

They've become extremely popular lately, so you'll find it in any popular store. I'd start @Habiba Stores though, the chances are you'll definitely find them there.

Where can I find cheese to use on French fries and nachos?

You can definitely find some that’s easily microwaveable at @Habiba Stores

Where can I buy Takis chips?

@Habiba Stores in um uthaina, saw them there once about a year ago.

Where can I find perrier water?

@Habiba Stores they sell the 200 ml for 0.85 JD's

Where can I find La Croix sparkling water?

I haven't stumbled upon this yet and I'm a sucker for sparkling water! You can visit @Select Foods Shoppe or @Habiba Stores and check if it's available or not. I think you can also ask them if they can order it for you. If you lose hope then there are other sparkling water options that are delicious, like San Pellegrino Water . It's my absolute favourite

Where can I find Twinkies?

The only store that had them was @Habiba Stores and they will provide it in March

Where can I find Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, cost pls?

I used to buy my Ben & Jerry's from @Habiba Stores specifically the one located in Um Uthainah but the problem is that they're a little overpriced. If I remember correctly 7- 8 JDs for a pint and there isn't variety when it comes to flavor. They have like 3 - 4 flavors in stock. You've reminded me how much I miss it though, so I'm gonna check other stores today and let you know if I find anything.
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