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62 Fans

Friday Market

3 Stars


Omar Matar St. Al Muhajerin St. - Ras Al Ain

Operating Hours:

6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I find vans authentic shoes resellers?

@Friday Market you will find them for a very cheap price or check @Champions

Where can I find some cheap t-shirts, max 5 JD?

You can head today to @Friday Market you will lots of cheap things. Or visit @La Familia

Where can I find a second hand store, like for clothing and shoes?

@Friday Market they have lots of second hand stuff, they used to be in Abdali but now they relocated in Ras Al Ain, and there don't have a phone number because it's a variety of booth stands.

Where can I find cheap price Nike shoes?

If you are looking for fake ones, check @Majdi Mall . If you want real ones you should go to @Abdali Souk on Fridays for the cheapest pair..if you are lucky they might be new..

Where can I eat in City Mall?

Well you have the foodcourt which has all the fast food options starting from @McDonald's to @Pizza Hut to @Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) ..then you have other options like @Subway @Wox and Company @Buffalo Wings & Rings , indian food and seveal other options. If you want a restaurant though there are a few options like @T.G.I. Friday's @Cafe Hanin and @Café Social

Where can I buy cheap but good clothes?

@Friday Market is the cheapest you can get for great clothes. A lot of them are second-hand, but you can find a lot of excellent items for 5 JD tops

Where can I buy Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch clothes?

there are no Abercrombie & fitch, Hollister or Aéropostale shops in amman, you can only find them (used) in Souq Al Jom3a @Abdali Souk Friday market :)

Where can I buy original roller skates?

Try @Abdali Souk Thursday night / Friday morning! They're second hand but they've got plenty and I think you'll find blades and skateboards too.

Where can I find stock Vans shoes?

You could find some @Friday Market or @Souq Al Sultan

Where can I find all black and white low top converse for a reasonable price?

You can find really good cheap ones downtown and also @Abdali Souk

Where can I find army pants and combat boots for women?

@Abdali Souk has a section located up the hill from the small mosque that offers Jordanian Army clothing that is used and in good condition, including jackets, cargo pants, etc. -- definitely check it out!
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