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62 Fans

Friday Market

3 Stars


Omar Matar St. Al Muhajerin St. - Ras Al Ain

Operating Hours:

6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find UGGs?

You should head over to @Friday Market last week I went over there and at the end of the market, there is one guy who has all uggs, some are new and some are used, but they are authentic and for muchhhhh cheaper price

Where can I find secondhand furniture?

@Friday Market have secondhand tableware and smaller household items that might be interesting to check out

Where can I buy vintage leather jacket?

Try @Friday Market , they have some cool options but most of them are oversized.

Where can I find high quality leather jacket whether (Don't mention high end brands please)?

If you are lucky enough, you might find high quality leather jackets for a cheap price at the @Friday Market

Where can I find (preferably black) rings for men?

@Friday Market there's a whole booth there where you can find the coolest rings and accessories

Where can I find outfits similar to the ones from the show "Wednesday"?

@Friday Market have some very amazing black and black options and what's even better is that you can mix and match as u like !

Where can I find original AC/DC shirts?

@Friday Market they usually sell very rare original ones, you'll just have to know how to find out if its fake or original:)

Where can I find men clothes thrift shop?

you can find all types of clothes for all gender and ages @Friday Market

Where can I find cheap old skool vans?

you will need to dig in to find, and sometimes you might not find @Friday Market

Where can I find thrift stores that sell quality vintage denim jeans(most stores have really bad quality tight polyester ones)?

@Friday Market is the best, you can find the vintage ones from famous brands for only 3-5 JD's but since it's big, you will need to search. They open on Thursday
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