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212 Fans
Freddy for Music

Freddy for Music

3 Stars - 11 Votes


Fawzi Al Mughrabi St. Kurdi Complex - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy an electric guitar for 200 JD?

you can find it @Freddy for Music they have many different guitars

Where can I find a guitar club?

Check out this website: http://goo.gl/iMruDi that may be just what you are looking for! Also you may want to check out @Freddy for Music they offer classes and maybe they can connect you with people and you start your own club :)

Where can I find a music store especially looking for trumpet?

They don't have a huge selection but you can find trumpets @Freddy for Music

Where can I buy left-handed guitars?

I am sure @Freddy for Music would have it, if not check out @iPlay Music Center they have a large selection of guitars

Where can I take vocal lessons?

@Freddy for Music offers vocal lessons and they're actually great. They offer oriental and western. I took western but don't expect a rock vocal coach it's more traditional.

Where can I buy a classic piano?

@Freddy for Music  @iPlay Music Center @Music House

Where can I learn how to play violin?

@National Music Conservatory , @Freddy for Music , @iPlay Music Center ,
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