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25 Fans
ECO Market

ECO Market


Zain Circle - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy the ingredients that I need to make sushi?

you can buy the nori from @Carrefour and the salmon, fish from @ECO Market

Where can I find oreo ice cream?

there is oreo sandwich ice cream @ECO Market it's really good

Where can I find Campbell's cream of mushroom soup?

I found it today...@ECO Market it's 1.70 JD. Hurry up before it finishes, there are only a couple of them

Where can I get stocking stuffers?

You can stuff them with anything you'd like depending on the person you're giving it to! From sweets to cosmetics, check out @ECO Market they have an interesting selection of sweets if you're looking for that kind of thing.

Where can I buy seaweed puffs (chips)?

@ECO Market it's super delicious. And organic with no gluten, dairy free and no palm oil. Plus it's smoked seaweed. It's 2 jd i think
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