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Where can I go as a foreigner?

you can visit the oldest town in Amman which is @Downtown and visit @Amman Citadel and eat the best falafel in @Hashem Restaurant and eat kunafeh @Habiba Sweets

Where can I find the oldest houses in Jordan?

@Downtown it's pretty much the oldest city in Amman, plus you can take amazing pictures of them and there are really nice views

Where can I repair my watch?

There are many shops @Downtown There's one close to AlHusseini Mosque that I've dealt with before.

Where can I find flaxseed (preferably ground)?

You'll find it in almost any spice shop @Downtown. I've also seen it @Miles and @Select Foods Shoppe

Where can I find rare or older editions of books?

You can find lots of Arabic or English old books on the side of the roads @Downtown

Where can I buy giveaways for a party at a good price?

@Downtown , Souk Nadaa! The best quality and cheapest price.

Where can I buy high quality brass knuckles?

@Downtown if you face the Husseini Mosque, go to the left and keep walking straight you will find some people selling some weapons

Where can I buy a good quality Tabla?

@Music House they don't sell it, but they buy their own from @Downtown and they can buy one for you if you requested, the prices are 30-100 JD's
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