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Where can I Buy a Gold Bar?

@Imseeh Jewelry in the @Downtown gold market, not the mall or um uthaina branches.

Where can I find a good DVDs Store?

check @Istiklal Mall and you may go to @Downtown

Where can I buy a ganweh?

@Downtown if you face the Husseini Mosque, go to the left and keep walking straight you will find some people selling some ganwas

Where can I send my guitar amp to get fixed?

There is a place right next to @Friends cake in @Jaber Center . Or head @Downtown

Where can I buy a G-Shock watch?

from abdali (king hussain st) go towards @Downtown after you pass the court there are a bunch of places that sell watches, they'll be on your left, i've seen collections of G-shock watches there. street coordinates 31.955421,35.931719 and go down with that street

Where can I find a bird shop?

@Jabal Amman on your way to @Al-Balad

Where can I find the cheapest photo/art frames?

@Al-Balad and @Jabal Al Hussein they have the best price there

Where can I find a (Blank) black stickers for laptop keyboard?

Specifically for laptop keyboard i dont know. But u can get a blank sticker (vinyl) of any color cut out for the amount u need at any of the sticker shops in @Downtown , a series of shops carry the name "tabaza" exact address: along King Talal street, they'll e on ur right hand side (keep husaini mosque to ur left and head towards ras al ein @Al Hussein Cultural Center )

Where can I find a place with a large wool collection?

@Downtown one of the first couple of stores on Basman Street (the side near Istiklal Library and post office), I can't remember the name of the place.

Where can I find Souk Jara's silver and antique sellers?

You'll have to take a trip down to @Downtown near @Al-Hussein East Mosque and just walk around.. you'll find lots of nice antiques and silver
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