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Where can I find blankets in amman?

@Downtown will have the heavy arabic winter blankets :)

Where can I find a shop for Nikon cameras?

Wust Al Balad - If you don't mind to buy them second hand, there are a few shops in the Balad that sometimes sell them. One is close to Al Quds (the one on the way to Ras al Ain) @Downtown

Where can I buy good, inexpensive luggage?

@Virgin Megastore is cheap, but treat it with care or else it will probably break..Not the best quality. I've seen some @Downtown too, but just make sure you check the quality yourself before you buy!

Where can I find a place that makes sand bottles art?

I've seen a few places @Downtown ..Just look around and I'm sure you'll find a place!

Where can I buy a game boy or Nintendo 64?

I've seen them at @Abdali Souk but they may or may not be working. They are also occasionally available in the used electronics market in @Downtown

Where can I buy a bracelet with infinity signs?

You can find plenty of thosel in Wust Al-balad, @Downtown

Where can I get cheap frames for eyeglasses?

Fasheh in @Downtown if it's still open. Near Jabal Amman and Shaheen service taxi. Lots of vintage frames, all between 10 and 30 Jd's that are made in Europe.

Where can I buy specialty fabrics for clothing, like athletic fabric?

your best bet is @Downtown (al balad), try Petra St. there's a Marketplace there that sells textiles per meter. (its inside one of the buildings on the right if you're entering from Al-Hussieni Mosque St.) @Souk Al Bokharyyeh
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