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Tips Tags

Where can I find sketches of Petra?

Try the Balad @Downtown you might find old stores that sell sketches or portraits of Petra

Where can I buy odd looking shishas?

I suggest you take a walk in @Downtown and go from one store to the other.. as they have a lot of different styles that come in different sizes

Where can I find an Indian grocery store?

Asia supermarket in Al bhuturi st. In the second circle and also @Downtown @bangle

Where can I find cheap Syrian mother of pearl furniture?

It's hard to tell you a specific place since the type of furniture varies.. but try taking a walk @Downtown and checking out the antique stores there am sure you'll find a lot

Where can I find vintage furniture?

It depends on what type of furniture your looking for (oriental or eastern etc) but check out @Ali Baba Cave or @Rihani Gallery.. there is also the option of walking around @Downtown and checking out the random stores there :)

Where can I buy metallic lycra fabric?

Have you checked Mango souq @Downtown ?? You could find variety collection of fabrics there

Where can I find Spider-Man bed set for a 3 year old boy?

If you want a cheap one go to @Majdi Mall or @Downtown

Where can I find a great place to hang out with my girlfriend?

@Al-Balad - You can start off here by just walking around and discovering all the small magnificent corner shops and beautiful markets. Lots of nicknacks, books, pictures and bizir shops :) (my favorite to buy is mlabbas il malek hussein). There's a bunch of restaurants too (Hashem, Abu Sara, Zorba, Jafra) and of course Habiba for Knafeh! In the winter time you can hit up some delicious Sahlab to keep you warm, and continue discovering. There's lots to see and learn from a trip downtown and if you guys are fit and like to walk(this is more like a mountain climb) I suggest taking steps up to Jabal Weibdeh and check out the scenery, galleries, and some of the churches up there too. This is my ideal date! I ended it at Canvas Restaurant (Duwwar El Muntazah also in Weibdeh) where I had a lovely pizza and some local wine, then got to catch a beautiful performance by a live jazz quartet (they don't play every night though). I really hope you try this out it's awesome! But beware you will be exhausted by the end of the night.

Where can I find sewing machine equipment (needles and fabrics)?

@Downtown , you will find there everything you are searching for, go to souq Mango for a good variety collection of fabrics

Where can I buy cheap things for DIY?

Tip n' Tag did a blog awhile ago about DIY stuff, with the link of craft stores, here is the link http://blog.tipntag.com/the-weekender-lets-get-crafty/ also honestly @Downtown you can find so much stuff, but it really depends on what you are trying to do.

Where can I find good places to take nice pictures?

Well i actually like walking & taking pictures @Downtown as well as @Jabal AL Weibdeh, i also like taking pictures outside Amman at @Fuheis Madaba & the dead sea as well, you can take great photos there

Where can I find touristy things to do (اماكن سياحيه بعمان)?

You have so many choices; you can either go to a park spend a good day there such as @Al Bahath Park , or you simply can take a nice walk at @Downtown or Jabal Amman you can find there so many touristy shops
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