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103 Fans
Doculand Center

Doculand Center

3 Stars


Complex #36, Arar St. - Wadi Saqra



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I customize my own t-shirt?

if you are drawing something or have a specific and artsy design try @Mlabbas. for something more simple, you can try @Doculand Center

Where can I find a photoshop center?

What exactly do you need to do with the photos? @Doculand Center does a lot of printing and photoshop work, but it depends what you want to do. I'd give them a call

Where can I have business cards printed very professionally?

You can also make them @Doculand Center , but they will likely be more expensive

Where can I buy custom made shirts and/or personalized gifts?

@Doculand Center is more for professional gifts, customized shirts and general printing..But if you want something more personal, try @Mlabbas !

Where can I print a poster !?

@Doculand Center for a high-end result. @Custom Made Gift Shop will help you too!

Where can I get a custom made puzzle?

@Doculand Center - Not 100% sure better call and ask :)

Where can I find miniature (small) international table flags for a conference?

I don't know if it's late, but @Doculand Center the print and copy center, in Abdalla Ghosheh str. could help 06-5850870.

Where can I have my photos printed on a puzzle?

@Doculand Center - they will print on almost everything, I'm not sure they can do it on puzzles but its worth a try.

Where can I do canvas printing?

@Doculand Center , @Custom Made Gift Shop , @Artzi :)
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