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103 Fans
Doculand Center

Doculand Center

3 Stars


Complex #36, Arar St. - Wadi Saqra



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I Printout Promotional Material Like Mugs?

@Doculand Center is always an easy choice but it depends on the quantity you want to print, it might not be cost effective to do it there. You can also try @Future Uniform they will cost you around 3.5 JD per mug for 50 Mugs in full color.

Where can I customize rubber bracelets?

Ask @Future Uniform they print on caps and other things also @Doculand Center should be a good option as well

Where can I find small cardboard boxes to store cookies?

@Doculand Center can print cardboard boxes, with very good quality but you have to make the design although they can help with that too, but it will be a little bit cheaper

Where can I buy a sharpie set?

@Doculand Center they have various colors and thicknesses
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