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113 Fans
DNA Lifestyle

DNA Lifestyle

3 Stars - 6 Votes


Abdali Mall, 2nd Floor - The Boulevard



Operating Hours:

Sat - Thu
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find ps4 controllers for rent?

it would probably be cheaper to buy a controller, assuming of course anyone rents out just the controlller. Try @DNA Lifestyle.

Where can I find pop-up cardholder or wallet?

I think she's talking about mechanical wallets, Turnip. Try @DNA Lifestyle I've seen a couple of sort of mechanical cardholders there

Where can I buy a personalised thermos (eg. print a name or engrave it)?

You can buy stainless steel containers from @DNA Lifestyle, they have super fancy ones. Then you can have it engraved at @Rassme

Where can I buy the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition 32 Ohm?

I noticed you've been asking about headphones a lot, and let me tell you this: buying headphones in Amman is a NIGHTMARE. You're not going to find anything high-end except for Sennheissers and Bose from @DNA Lifestyle, and @Spectrum Sound & Light Bose. @Yamaha Music Square (Girhoma) sells Shures, which are also excellent. You might find more of the same at @Virgin Megastore. DNA also has Skullcandy. The problem with buying headphones here is that they're almost twice the price as you would get them from abroad, and even if you do decide to ship it, you will get taxed if it's high-end. For example, Bose QC 35 II at DNA costs 450 JD! That is an excellent headset, but if you're not going to use the Google Assistant/Siri function with them, you should buy the QC 35 I, which DNA also has for almost half the price. They are pretty much the same headphones.

Where can I buy the Razer nari ultimate?

if you're looking for vibrating headphones, @DNA Lifestyle might have Skull Candy Crushers, which I think vibrate

Where can I find the sennheiser?

you'll have a difficult time finding Sennheissers in Jordan, but I know that you can find at least one model at @DNA Lifestyle for 149 JD
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