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32 Fans
Design Institute Amman

Design Institute Amman

4.5 Stars


42 Muath Bin Jabal St. - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

Times Vary.
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Where can I find product design institutes and courses?

Check out @Design Institute Amman in the past they offered a product/industrial design course

Where can I take animation classes with flexible hours?

ALso @Design Institute Amman has Animation courses. Check their website for schedule.

Where can I make and design customised jewelery?

If you're looking for a class to take out the best of you, i know about jewelry design workshops conducted occasionally by @Design Institute Amman. Stay in touch with them.

Where can I take sewing or fashion design classes?

@Design Institute Amman i heard about a jewelry design workshop that already started. Contact them and tell them what course you're looking for, and they will register your name in advance and let you know once they set it. They currently have no specific location, workshops are held either @Wild Jordan Center or @King Hussein Business Park

Where can I take surface pattern design courses?

@Design Institute Amman is almost the most reliable place that will help you with that!

Where can I take interior design courses?

@Design Institute Amman is having interior design workshops on February if you prefer to wait. I know they are good enough, only you have to register your name before, so they would contact you when the workshop is set.
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