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600 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy a pumpkin and pumpkin carving tools?

I know they sell pumkins at @Cozmo this time of year but I haven't checked yet. Would be worthwhile to call and ask :)

Where can I find clotted cream in jordan?

Your best best is @Cozmo ...They carry stuff most groceries stores here don't have, try there first

Where can I buy a lint roller?

Really?! Go to @Cozmo or @Virgin Megastore

Where can I find the best tasting gluten free meal options?

@Cozmo - Has a lot of great gluten free products besides bread! All your gluten free needs in one place: bread, pasta, biscuits and a bunch more

Where can I buy good quality bread?

@Cozmo bakery @Miles bakery @Geneva Bakery @Crumz Bakery Cafe if you are looking for foreign bread @al rayeh @Al Sufara Bakery for local bread
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