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599 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find diet cherry coke?

Try @Cozmo 7th circle, they always have imported soft drinks

Where can I buy straws with patterns?

you can buy flavored straws from @Cozmo, which sounds better than plastic straws to be honest

Where can I find odor eliminators?

You can buy odor eliminators from @Cozmo!

Where can I buy pink and blue chocolate melts from?

you can find them online on "wilton.com" also you can check @Cozmo but as far that I know they are not halal. So if you end up not finding them you can melt white chocolate and color it pink and blue.

Where can I buy seedless watermelon?

@Cozmo you can find them already pre-cut and without seeds. Otherwise you will just have to buy a whole one and take the seeds out yourself

Where can I find all vegetarian food products?

@Cozmo has plenty of alternative diet options. I get my coconut and almond milk from there.
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