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4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find an easy way to make Arabic coffee?

My personal favorite is nestle they now offer easy to make arabic coffee, you can find it at any local grocery shop like @Miles or @Cozmo

Where can I find wooden salad bowl?

I found nice and cheap ones @IKEA as well as @Safeway and @Cozmo

Where can I find truffle chips?

I was looking all over for them, and I finally found them @Cozmo

Where can I find nice scents for my car?

You can either buy them at the usual gas stations like @Jo Petrol or you can find them @Safeway or @Cozmo

Where can I find acerola cherry?

You might be able to find them @Cozmo or big pharmacies like @Pharmacy1

Where can I buy the ingredients that I need to make sushi?

You can find them at the big retail stores like @Safeway or @Cozmo , maybe @Miles has some as well.

Where can I find frozen Edamami?

I always buy them from @Cozmo , you might be able to find them somewhere else in Amman but I'm not sure where :)

Where can I buy picnic stuff?

You can find at @IKEA and I think @Cozmo has those things as well :)

Where can I buy coffee for my coffee machine?

You can either buy them at any normal store like @Cozmo @Miles , or you can go to a coffee house and choose your favorite blend, @Dimitri's Coffee or @Roasters Coffee

Where can I find decaf pepsi or cola?

Im not sure if you can find it in Amman, but you can try to find it @Cozmo or buy it online

Where can I find rice paper?

@My Supermarket (2.65 JOD for 200g) @Cozmo (1.85 for 100g) @Centro Stores (4.10 JOD for 300g)

Where can I find colored tissues?

@Ivy Shop , you can find their products in @Cozmo

Where can I buy a coffee tumbler?

You can buy one @Cozmo or any other coffee house like @Dimitri's Coffee
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