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155 Fans
Bashiti Hardware

Bashiti Hardware


King Abdullah II Str. Bldg. #93 Across from Elba House - Sweileh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find a good hardware shop?

I really like going to @ACE Hardware as well as @Bashiti Hardware

Where can I get small cuts of wood to repair a bed frame?

@Bashiti Hardware @ACE Hardware you might find what you're looking for here, check them out and best of luck :)

Where can I find a marble print contact paper?

Check out @Samir & Ghassan Stationery & Art Supplies as well as @Bashiti Hardware

Where can I buy an above ground pool?

@Bashiti Hardware and @Tiger Stores and @ACE Hardware all have good size pools but if you want a smaller pool for kids then check out @Hamleys or even sometimes @C-Town or @Virgin Megastore

Where can I find toolbox in a handbag?

depends on how big do you want it.. but check out @ACE Hardware they have pretty cool stuff to look at.. but you can also visit @Bashiti Hardware they have quite a collection too ;)

Where can I buy cut to size boards or wood to make a cover for my pool?

@Bashiti Hardware has it, i'm not sure of the size, but you can cut them to fit your pool. You can give them a call and ask for the size you want
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