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131 Fans
Baraka Sports

Baraka Sports

4.75 Stars - 8 Votes


Mecca St. Near Jaber Center - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find a cheap home gym?

Are you looking for equipment? If yes; you can buy @Baraka Sports or @Sports 4 ever their prices are reasonable

Where can I buy a baseball bats (stick)?

@Baraka Sports they have aluminium baseball with kits for 25 JD's and the wooden is for 19 JD's

Where can I find a bench press set with barbells?

@Baraka Sports Pro-Style Black Rubber Barbell bar Bar with weights from 10 to 50KG...prices from 8-120+ JD's, but unfortunately they sell them separately, the weigh bench is 149, 250 and 300 JD's depending on the brand, model, dimensions, and weight

Where can I buy Boxing Equipment for a good price?

@Baraka Sports boxing gloves for 15 jd's. Their prices are average

Where can I find female boxing/kickboxing gloves?

@Baraka Sports They have full kickboxing kits as well and their prices are reasonable.
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